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February Update: MedRim Prayer Movement

Thank you for faithfully praying over the MedRim Initiative. This month we ask you to pray for the "I Family" who are living and working in North Africa. Followers of Jesus are few in the country where they live, but we believe God is going to lead a revival of thousands of Muslim people to the full and abundant life of Jesus. Below is an update from them on how you can pray.

What we are doing is fueled by prayer, we can do nothing alone. Please pray:

  • We will be unified and united with our teammates as we meet weekly to pray for this country and our work here. 

  • The evil one will not have victory in this country, the light will break through the darkness, and the walls of Islam will crack so light can filter in and penetrate the hearts of men!

  • Jesus will be known and the Holy Spirit will embolden those already in The Way to tell neighbors and family about Jesus.

  • God will help us learn and retain the language quickly.

  • God will lead us to people of peace and those who speak English or French while the local language is being learned. Pray we will have good relationships with those we meet.

  • As a team we will bear much fruit as we abide in Christ daily in our families, our marriages, and our relationships with locals and other workers.

  • The spirit of confusion will be bound when North Africans open the Bible to read and that their comprehension will not be hindered by the evil one.

  • For our new sister "M" who has been key to our community over the years as a language teacher. She recently became a believer and not long afterwards experienced a violent physical assault that left her unable to work and a long list of ailments, including: nerve damage on the right side of her face, severe pain in her ears, loss of hearing, a broken finger, fractured vertebrae in her neck, and inability to see out of her right eye. She's seen many doctors and the prognosis does not look good for her hearing to be restored. But we serve the Great Physician and we are praying for total healing. Her faith has stood firm and she praises God daily for any improvement in her health. Pray God will be glorified and she will be healed. This has been a chance for her to testify to her family and her young daughter as well.