
Now is the time for the African American church to engage the global church and they are ready to serve God’s global mission like never before.

Regrettably, African American churches who engage in global missions have been more the exception than the norm because of the history of racism in the American culture and the after-effects of the compounded disparity on African American communities.

While to date African Americans represent less than 1% of the mission workforce and support structure, that can change. God is calling people who trace their ancestry from Africa to reconnect to their home continent and share the blessings he has given them and learn from their global family in Christ as we all seek to pass on the faith to the next generation.

Picture this: a vibrant tapestry of common cultural heritage woven together by a shared devotion to spreading the gospel. The Atlantic Bridge Initiative stands at the crossroads of tradition and innovation, uniting African American church leaders with their counterparts from the rich tapestry of Africa.


This Initiative serves as a catalyst for a transformative collaboration that transcends borders and transforms communities. By focusing on building trust relationships with African American churches through racial unity work and through brokering powerful introductions with African church leaders, the Initiative forges a path that can translate into impactful missions partnerships.


How are you called to be part of what God is doing through the Atlantic Bridge Initiative?


Interested in Going?

As a preacher or leader deeply rooted in the African American church community, imagine the incredible impact you could have by championing a vision of unity and collaboration in global missions. Imagine the stories you could share from the pulpit—stories of transformation, reconciliation, and shared faith from collaborative efforts between African American and African church leaders. Reach out to learn more!

Is Your Church Interested in Being Part of ABI?

Picture your church alive with the energy of unity and purpose, fully engaged in supporting the transformative mission of bridging African American church leaders with their African counterparts. Is God calling your church to step into this opportunity? Let's talk about how God could use this opportunity for your church.


Can You Help Make These Trips Possible Financially?

If God has blessed you financially, He may also be calling you to fulfill a vital role in this vision of solidarity, collaboration, and hope. You can empower leaders to leverage their collective strengths, wisdom, and passion to make an eternal difference in the lives of people around the world. You can champion this transformative journey. Join us to embark on a mission to bridge divides, ignite change, and engage God’s work together for generations to come. Your support can make all the difference in turning this vision into reality.
