The history of a mission will first be written by people on their knees.


Your prayers are powerful first steps to reaching a broken world. God listens to you. But how can you shape prayers that are timely, specific, and able to make an eternal difference in people’s lives?

We guide you to specific people and places God is calling us, as well as practices and ideas to help you become the prayer champion you want to be.

Get an email alert for our monthly Prayer blog that shares thoughts around how and what we can pray, and an invitation to align our prayers in this way.

You can be part of any or all of three annual prayer challenges!!

Subscribe to learn more.

Ramadan Prayer Challenge

God has declared that now is the time for the harvest season and for the people of the Muslim world to be brought back to Him. More Muslims have come to faith in Jesus in the last 15 years than in the previous 1400 years combined. And we are alive and have the privilege to see it and to participate in what He is doing!

The people of the Muslim world enter each year into a month-long period of prayer and fasting called Ramadan where they will fast from sun up to sun down as a way to dedicate themselves to Islam and to gain God’s favor. It is a time of spiritual sensitivity for many Muslims as they seek to draw close to the God they know and understand. You can be part of a dedicated group of Jesus-followers who will pray with us that God will reveal himself to those who are so earnestly seeking Him!

Accepting the challenge means you’ll get a short email in your inbox for each day of the challenge. The emails will give you a brief suggestion for your prayers for that day, with specific prayers from those working in the MedRim Initiative. This year’s challenge was February 28, 2025 - March 30, 2025 - check back here for next year’s date! Whether for this year or next, you can join the Challenge now!


Buddhist Prayer Challenge

Each year in early July, Buddhists celebrate Dharma Day as the day the Buddha delivered his first sermon to his disciples. They hope that by following what this revered teacher practiced, they might, through many other lives, eventually find relief from their suffering.

Yet you know that it is the Christ who sets us free. Jesus is our peace and our hope, and we passionately want to share his beauty with Buddhists.

Accepting this challenge means you’ll receive a short email every day of the challenge, each of which will provide you with a brief suggestion for your prayers that day. These emails will provide both context and guidance for prayers supplied by people who work within the regions that include our Bengal Initiative.

This year’s prayer challenge is July 1 - 11, 2025. Will you pray with us? Go ahead and join now!


Praying for Hindus during Diwali: Diwali Prayer Challenge

In the region around the Bay of Bengal, there are over 1 BILLION Hindus.

That’s 1,000,000,000. More than 1 out of every 8 people alive today.

Through the centuries of work done among them, Hindus have proven very resistant to the good news of the gospel. Your prayers, though, can make a difference in the lives of these hundreds of millions of people still lost in darkness.

Will you be part of a prayer movement to beg God to draw Hindus to the light and truth and goodness of the Christ?

Hindus celebrate the feast of Diwali annually. Lasting five days during our months of October and November (it varies by year), it is the most popular festival in Hinduism. This Festival of Light is meant to symbolize the spiritual victory of light over darkness, good over evil, and knowledge over ignorance.

You know that there is no victory over darkness, evil, and ignorance apart from Jesus, the true Light of the World.

We are committed to pray for miraculous movement of the Spirit of God to work among Hindus during Diwali, and we are looking for people walking in the Light to partner with us.

The Diwali Prayer Challenge will provide context and guidance for prayers in advance of their festival, and more specific prayers during each of the 5 days Diwali is celebrated. Accepting this challenge means you’ll get a short email in your inbox for each day of the challenge. The emails will give you a brief suggestion for your prayers for that day, with specific prayers of praise and supplication people on the ground in the Bengal Initiative.

Will you pray with us? Subscribe now - the 2025 Diwali Prayer Challenge will be October 10 - 24, 2025.


Your prayers can make a difference. We invite you to boldly petition God for these things:

  • Move supernaturally by revealing Himself through dreams and visions to people who are not seeking, and by connecting the workers to people of peace;

  • Develop emerging leaders who are bold, passionate, obedient, and stirred in their spirit to see the Gospel move among their people – as well as able to persevere in suffering;

  • Provide the resources necessary to facilitate movement, including locations for discovery groups to gather and Bible translations in local dialects;

  • Transform the workers to be spirit-led disciples of Jesus who model kingdom living; 

  • Help the workers’ children and families to thrive socially, spiritually and emotionally and to accept and understand God’s love for them.

  • Discernment - for God to select and empower the leaders who are on a journey toward inner-life maturing, life maturing, and ministry maturing, and who are willing to partner with us in multiplying emerging leaders;

  • Humility - for leaders to work well together in co-creating leadership development relationships, material, and processes that are biblically based and culturally relevant;

  • Wisdom - for the multiplication of coaching and mentoring relationships which empower emerging leaders to follow God's leading;

  • Community - for God to create communities of present and future generation leaders in cross-cultural contexts to enable learning, encouragement, and sharing of resources for the development of leaders for future generations;

  • Boldness - for leaders to bravely follow God as they create new, safe, and transformative environments in which God shapes leaders.


Right now, we are in a season of listening: we believe God is calling us to what he is doing among Hindus and Buddhists, but we don’t yet know what and where he has in mind for us. We ask you to pray and listen with us in these ways:

  • That God would reveal to us what He’s doing in the Bay of Bengal region;

  • That He would show us what MRN’s role is to be.

  • Pray for Hindus (there are around 1.1 billion Hindus in the world; here’s a link to help you know how to pray).

  • Pray for Buddhists (there are around 500 million Buddhists; here’s a link with helpful ways to pray for them).