You don’t have to go at it alone.
We have 200 years of diverse, collective experience in missions and are deeply connected. Our team has vast amounts of trainings, education, and experiences with a vast reach of ministry. We know how painful and difficult it is to do missions alone and to fail. Failure doesn’t have to define you. In fact, it’s part of the growth process. We’ve vowed to use our failures to help others be as successful as possible on the mission field.
On average, missionaries stay on the field two years. Missionaries who go through the MRN assessment and training stay twice as long. We have the community, wisdom, and expertise to help missionaries stay. Research has shown that 60% of missionaries come home prematurely for preventable reasons. As part of our partnership together, we include missionary care so that you can stay healthy and effective.
We have provided training for over 500 churches.
We have provided training for over 1200 leaders in nearly 60 countries.
Reaching a broken world with the hope of Jesus is overwhelming and cannot be done alone. We guide you through a process to clarify your mission and transform lives.

Our Vision is to transform all people groups with the Good News of Jesus.
Our Mission is to multiply healthy leaders to disciple the unreached and under-served people groups of the world.
Our Core Beliefs
God’s Leadership: We follow God’s active leadership in the world which we discern through spiritual disciplines.
Holistic Ministry: We believe the Gospel brings wholeness to all of life using God’s wisdom—transforming people and cultures.
Humility: We are constantly learning from all we meet and serve throughout the world.
God’s Word: We are directed by God through His Word – read in community, led by the Spirit.
Our Operational Values
Discipleship: We seek to reflect and replicate the life and ways of Jesus in communities through the world.
Kingdom: We serve the global Kingdom of God and not any institution, denomination, or sectarian group.
Collaboration: We work with others wherever possible to create greater impact with less duplication.
Sustainability: We strive to create self-replicating churches led by local people who depend on God and are not limited by dependency on outsiders.