Do you want to help kickstart a missions program in your church? Have prior missions initiatives left you dissatisfied and yearning for something better? Does your church need clarity in building a missions program? We can provide a pathway to the answers you need.
We believe missions is a community endeavor. We are better when working together with others. By approaching missions as a united pursuit, you can accomplish so much more.
Announcing a new, free resource as you prepare for your short-term mission.
Get everyone ready and on the same page so your short-term mission will bless those who receive you, and all of you who go! Click here for details on this free online course!!
Church equipping is a broad category that covers everything from starting a missions program, to rebooting a missions plan, to help with graciously wrapping up a mission effort. Our workshops and labs help work through the big picture of discerning your church's "Mission, Vision, & Values" as well as the specifics of finding a missionary that is a good fit, caring for missionaries, structuring a successful missions committee, sending workers to hard parts of the world, finding the right pathway for local and global impact, and more.
We bring to you over 100 years of collective experience in missions and a broad network of global relationships.
We offer a pre-lab menu of modules and submodules to choose from that can be plugged in and adapted depending on the church’s needs. And we have a post-lab playbook of resources and tools that are available to help churches participate well in the mission of God. We will tailor the process to meet the needs of your church and provide assistance with follow-up coaching.
Here's a simple 3-step plan to get started:
Review your equipping options.
Decide on the equipping items that would be helpful.
Email your CE Menu selections to begin a conversation.
Or we can set up a time to talk!

We can help you multiply your impact and improve your missions relationships.
As you pursue God’s calling for your church, you can have confidence that Mission Resource Network is uniquely designed to partner with you in the mission of God through Church Equipping. We offer our experience and training in God’s mission to “equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up” (Eph. 4:12, NIV). Since the word “equip” can mean different things to different people, it can be helpful to look back to the Greek usages of words (like καταρτισμός) that are translated as “equip” to give an overview of different types of help you can find with MRN. Often the equipping that you’ll need can come from one or more of these categories.
Select a tab to see how different types of equipping could enhance the way your church is involved in missions.
Equipping as…
Imagine a group getting ready to go on an expedition. Investing time in preparation is linked to robust participation in the mission of God. MRN helps churches figure out what is needed and how to chart a course for their journey.
Picture a doctor setting a broken bone so it can heal. Churches like yours often invite MRN to help when something is not working correctly or has gone wrong. We have experience in helping churches reset after something has been broken. That looks like helping your church navigate conflict and misunderstanding, evaluating what has transpired, and finding solutions for a broken system. It also includes processing pain and wounds from the past that may be getting in the way of following the mission of God.
Consider what it takes to renovate or restore something to working condition (like cleaning or mending nets, Matt. 4:21). Normal wear and tear can still require repair. Wise churches do not wait until a disaster to get help. MRN can help your churches through checkups and tune-ups to keep engagement in missions running smoothly.
Think about the way we all learn skills so that we’ll be equipped for a task. Churches get support from MRN so that they can “level up” in the ways that they engage the world. For example, we offer specific training for churches in disciple-making and short-term missions.
Keep reading below to get a copy of our Church Equipping Menu and to learn more about the process for making a plan for your church.
Interested in improving your global partnerships?! Click here to check out what we’ve been learning.
Sign up for The Messenger, our monthly Missionary Care Newsletter.
We are ambassadors of the anointed one who carry the message of Christ to the world.
2 Corinthians 5:20 TPT

What Does it Cost?
Costs vary based on the church’s needs, but below is a base cost:
+ expenses for a Church Lab or Missionary Care Workshop (this includes 3 follow up coaching sessions to implement the plan)
For ongoing coaching to address lingering issues or deepen your church's impact
Become a Partner Church
Another option is to include MRN as part of your yearly budget. This gives you one event on-site a year and unlimited coaching. Please contact us if you want to know more about pricing or if you want to learn more about what it could look like to be an MRN partner church. Use button below to email us.

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