Are you looking for ways to help as you see news of an event in our world that’s devastating people? Click here.
Will you pray with us for Muslims as they observe Ramadan? We’ll send you a short prayer guide each day to give you some ideas or focus.
Will you pray with us for Buddhists around their celebration of Dharma Day? We’ll send you a short prayer guide each day to give you some ideas or focus.
Be part of this online training to learn how to use this new assessment tool to help shape the evaluations for your mission workers.
Join this online gathering that offers guided space to process how God has worked with you - and you have worked with God - in your ministry.
Little Rock missions friends, join us to talk about how to effectively evaluate your mission works.
Coaching skills will increase your effectiveness in your various ministry and leadership roles. People who take this workshop see significant advancements in their ministry impact, while seeing their stress and busy-ness go down.
Be sure the global workers you send have some training in safety and security.
Dallas area missions leaders are invited to a conversation about rebooting Short-Term Missions.
Abilene area missions leaders are invited to a conversation about rebooting Short-Term Missions.