You can multiply the impact of your Short-Term Missions.


Why re-think how Short-Term Missions are done?

When short-term missions (STM) came to a standstill during the pandemic, many saw this as a time to evaluate and “re-boot” some important elements of STM. Gathering feedback from “Listening Groups” we developed during the months of COVID disruption, we wanted to capture and share what we heard to help improve what we can all do to serve God’s mission together.

The twelve Listening Groups involved sixty-three people from fifteen nations who were:

  • missions leaders from thirteen churches, 

  • professors of missions from five Christian universities, and 

  • a variety of leaders of global ministries. 

The result? A booklet that captures what we learned to improve Short-Term Missions.

How could your Short-Term Missions be better?

Find out by getting your free copy!

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