Day 4
Good morning. We’re continuing this morning honoring the prayer requests of our brother Paresh, leader of a network of disciple-makers that has spread throughout India and into other unreached countries.
As yesterday, pause for a moment.
Be still.
Take three deep breaths, recognizing Whom you are preparing to address.
First, pray for the leaders of leaders throughout the Transform East Alliance, men and women who provide training and networking for those serving unreached Hindu populations. Pray for safety, for strength, for creativity, and for God’s blessing on their businesses, as most are not full-time pastors, but rather use their free time to advance the Kingdom.
Next, pray for the workers and for the funding needed for the good news about Jesus to expand well past the borders of India and deep into the bordering countries. Seek God’s blessing over things like the bicycles and motorcycles that bear disciple makers into new villages to proclaim the gospel. Pray for more Bibles to be translated and to be made available and to be read by eager listeners.
The cattle on not just a thousand but on all the hills are his, friend. Ask Him to provide what is needed for the disciple makers within the TEA network to be able to focus on the tasks – and more importantly, the people – in front of them.