God is at work and has a vital role for you. How do we join him?
The MedRim Initiative
God is pursuing the Muslim world.
You probably remember hearing about how Muslims from difficult-to-access countries like Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, and Iran suddenly became accessible as they landed in other lands to seek asylum. Not only were they accessible, they came hungry for peace.
But this movement of God is not only among refugees in Europe. People in places like North Africa and the Middle East are having dreams and visions of Jesus and looking for answers. And we want to be there when they come looking. These are the opportunities God has created with people in what we call the “MedRim.”
Disciples are being made in places where faith in Christ has barely existed for over a thousand years. Jesus has determined that it is time for the Gospel to return to the lands from which our faith was born and thrived in its earliest years. Many thousands are finding the peace they seek in Jesus. It is our belief that many of these new Christ followers will become a new wave of missionaries. They will take the Gospel to places only God has dreamed of. And we are seeing this beginning to happen as Muslim-background refugees are being resettled from camps to longer-term situations in cities throughout Europe. Those who became disciples of Christ around the MedRim are taking their zeal and love of Jesus with them as they focus on making disciples wherever they go. These Muslim-background disciple-makers may be the God-designed part of a spiritual reawakening throughout Europe! Currently, we have seven teams onsite in the MedRim, and three other teams waiting to launch, and we are pursuing several additional locations in the near future. Are you called to be part of this exciting moment? Let’s talk! (click the button below)
The Bengal Initiative
Those bound by false gods are craving the love of the one true God.
42% of the world’s population are unreached with the Gospel of Christ (less than 3% Christian and no effective outreach strategy present).
50% of the unreached people groups live in countries around the Bay of Bengal.
Of all the unreached people in the world, 40% live in India.
Hinduism and Buddhism are the major cultural influences in these regions.
Protestant Christian missions has historically given less attention to the Hindu/Buddhist realms than to other “more receptive” areas of the world. Currently, the regions around the Bay of Bengal are the most distant culturally from the Christian West. Very little success has been witnessed in modern mission efforts of the past century. Most countries around this region remain less than 3% Christian.
However, God has been moving among these peoples recently. Many are expressing a growing dissatisfaction with the traditional forms of religion. Hinduism and Buddhism are no longer meeting people’s felt needs. Because of this, national and religious leaders have turned to radicalism in order to keep the allegiance of the masses. Yet, rather than drawing people back, it is having the opposite effect. Having been disenchanted with the intolerant rhetoric and violence toward other religions encouraged by radical leaders, people that have been Hindu or Buddhist for centuries are now turning to Christ.
God is preparing the soil for the Kingdom to come to this area. Disciple making movements have begun in India and Thailand. National and foreign workers need to be mobilized to share the Good News in this disenchanted environment in order to give hope. MRN is poised to collaborate in mobilizing partners from the United States in this area to share Jesus with these unreached people. Will you join us?
The Emerging Leadership Initiative
God is raising up a new generation of leaders.
Over the last century, the power of the global church has shifted from Europe and North America to the Global South and East. Today, 70% of Christians now live outside western, formerly-Christendom countries. This mission reality calls for the American churches to adapt our approach of partnering with the local church leaders in these regions of the world where Christianity is growing. MRN has been blessed to have friendships with strong local and regional leaders around the globe. We are regularly asked by these leaders to help them address their need for leadership development for the future of the church in their regions. The Emerging Leadership Initiative (ELI) is our response to this urgent request.
Through the ELI, we are coming alongside visionary servant leaders to co-create powerful models of leadership development. We are developing international partners to form emerging leaders who will in turn create fresh models of faith rooted in ancient truths and practices appropriate for the future of Christianity in each culture and region. MRN is in a unique position to provide resources to empower national leaders to create biblically based, principle-centered, culturally relevant, and experiential leadership training environments.
The ELI is designed to equip leaders in strategic locations around the globe positioned to multiply servant leaders to the third and fourth generations. The future of the church worldwide is dependent upon Christ shaping spiritual leaders for his people.
Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples.
1 Chronicles 16:24

Join the Prayer Team
The history of a mission is first written by people on their knees.
Any disciple-making movement happens because it is first preceded by a prayer movement. Anywhere we’ve seen massive movements of God…it is due to the power of prayer.
Would you join a mighty outpouring of prayer for the unreached and under-served peoples of the world?
Our 5-year goal is to build a team of 10,000 prayer partners who will regularly lift up the peoples around the world to the Lord with us. We’ll contact our prayer partners monthly to provide insights and initiatives for how to pray.