One of the questions that churches often ask us is, “What are best practices in missions?” While we have a list we can give, I often reply first by asking, “To do what?”
Read More“I can’t believe I’m hearing this! I must be dreaming! I never thought I would hear an American say such things! For years we have been treated like slaves by Americans.
This changes everything.”
Read MoreBecause I spent many of the formative years of my childhood living in Muleshoe, Texas, I have a fondness for the mule. After all, that was our school mascot. I've cheered for mules at pep rallies and rooted for mules at many ballgames. "Kick-em, Mules, Kick-em." But mules have one major weakness…
Read More“After this the Lord appointed seventy-two others and sent them two by two ahead of him to every town and place where he was about to go.”
Read MoreWhy are some places open to the gospel and other places closed? Why does freedom of religion and prosperity seem to erode the power of the church, and persecution seems to purify and empower the church?
Read MoreI’m not big on household chores, but at the top of my “hate to do” list is cleaning my instruments of cleaning.
What does this have to do with global missions? Read on to find out!
Read MoreKen Shumard graduated to glory last week. If you don’t have connections with Churches of Christ in Atlanta, you likely don’t know who he was, but Ken was a powerful man of God who liked to work in the background. If you didn’t know his name, he would be pleased about that, but he did want you to know Jesus’ name and follow him.
Read More“Well, that didn’t turn out like I expected.” – every Christian worker ever, everywhere
Ministry in any country rarely goes as planned. We had a picture in our head of what God wanted to do, and we moved in concert with that vision only to find out that our expectations were off. Frequently they were way off. Maybe that is because we didn’t have the right vision. Perhaps we were projecting our ideas on God’s call. Or maybe we just don’t understand how God works with limited creatures like ourselves.
Read More“You really need to go visit the Holy Land! Nothing will make God come to life like walking where Jesus and all the other biblical characters walked. God is present there like nowhere else.”
I’ve heard countless statements like this for nearly 40 years of my ministry life. They come from people who have experienced massive life changes at some place/event and are so grateful that they become evangelists for the particular ministry that blessed them.
Read MoreGod’s dreams are bigger than ours, and his work is not bounded by our imagination. His time frame is not ours, either, and when he delivers on his promises, we often find it looks very different from what we imagined.
Read More“I’ll be home for Christmas” is rarely the favorite song of global kingdom workers. Even if they can get home for Christmas, they probably aren’t sure where that is. And they are not the only ones.
Read MoreI’ve made a case for changing our language for global workers because of issues surrounding the title “missionary.” However, even if I’ve made a compelling case and you’ve bought into the need to make this change, that doesn’t mean you have a clear path forward for implementing such a change.
Read MoreThere are more thoughts to consider as we examine the issues associated with the word “missionary.”
Read MoreHow can an organization named Mission Resource Network even consider stopping their use of the word "missionary"? And why would we want to do so? That's a big subject that will take several blog articles to explain. But I think the time has come for us to wrestle with the complex and troubling history that is inescapably bound up with the word "missionary."
Read MoreThe last blog article from one of my MRN co-workers prompted a lot of great questions and comments. I've really appreciated the feedback and will write future blogs to address some of the things I heard. However, one response seems very common among Americans, even those who are deeply immersed in cross-cultural relationships
Read MoreIn my last blog, I shared about differences and confusions between cultures that communicate directly versus indirectly. Many of us have recognized these differences but have not understood them.
Read MoreFew things in life are more challenging to manage than conflict. But even fewer things are more common. We don't always agree. We want our way, and we want to preserve our relationships with others who disagree. That's a recipe for trouble. It doesn't matter how close we are, how much we love each other, or how similar our thinking is; we still won't always agree. Conflict is part of life and is never easy, especially with people who are important to us.
Read MoreIt is unusual for every Christian to have a personal copy of the Bible, from a historical perspective. We take it for granted that everyone can read their copy of the Bible by themselves so much that we make it an indispensable practice for spiritual health. While I’m all for every follower of Jesus reading their Bibles regularly, and I do so as part of my daily routine, there are some downsides to private Bible reading.
Read MoreIt is a given that all followers of Jesus should seek to be people of integrity. However, because ethical practices are partly determined by cultural values and expectations, being honorable people can be complicated when we engage in cross-cultural partnerships. Without realizing it, Americans can cause their international partners to lose credibility as good people in their local settings.
Read MoreThe pandemic has been hard for everyone everywhere. We could unpack all the struggles for many pages. At MRN, it was hard for us not to be able to travel internationally for well over a year. It isn't just that it was impossible to complete some of our work from the States or that Zoom is less effective than in-person meetings. Even more challenging was the emotional hit our staff took in our motivation when we could not see the impact of our work in person.
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