As you plan your Short-Term Missions (STM), you’ll want to be part of an exciting conversation around the new Short-Term Missions Guidelines. Now is the time to make sure we’re doing STMs in a way that blesses those who receive, AND those who go!
You’re invited to this gathering of mission leaders from churches and ministries in Metro DC where we facilitate a conversation to share learning together…all over a free lunch! Thanks to our host, the Fairfax Church, you don’t need to pay for lunch - we just need to know you’re coming! Use the RSVP button below.
2023 Fairfax MLL
Tuesday, April 25
12:00 - 1:15 pm
A Fresh Look at Short-Term Missions
Fairfax Church of Christ
3901 Rugby Rd.
Fairfax, VA 22033
You are doing vital work in God’s mission. This is one way we can help!