Ramadan Prayer Challenge
Will you pray with us for Muslims as they observe Ramadan? We’ll send you a short prayer guide each day to give you some ideas or focus.
Will you pray with us for Muslims as they observe Ramadan? We’ll send you a short prayer guide each day to give you some ideas or focus.
Join this gathering of those in the Fort Worth area involved in missions to talk about how we evaluate our works.
Join this gathering of those in the Memphis area involved in missions to talk about how we evaluate our works.
Be part of this online training to learn how to use this new assessment tool to help shape the evaluations for your mission workers.
Join this online gathering that offers guided space to process how God has worked with you - and you have worked with God - in your ministry.
We want to encourage you and mission-minded people in your church to be a part of the "Experience the MedRim" event designed to help you engage with the story of God’s work in that part of the world today.
From your base location in a North African city, you will explore ancient sites, learn from locals, and experience the life and culture of the region. This is a great opportunity to learn about the MedRim and be immersed for a short time in the on-the-ground reality of life in a Muslim context.
Registration will be open once details are confirmed. In the meantime, you can hold a tentative place in this small-group experience and get more information by clicking on the “Interested” button below.
Here are some of the details:
October 27 - 30, 2024
North Africa (specific locations will be shared separately)
Tour Ancient Carthage:
Step back in time as you explore the ancient ruins and history.
Local Insights:
Hear firsthand from local residents about their culture and traditions.
Preparation Meetings:
Join pre-trip preparation meetings to get ready for the adventure.
Debriefing Meeting:
After the trip, attend a follow-up debriefing meeting to share your experiences.
Your Responsibility:
You're in charge of your Trans-Atlantic travel in and out of North Africa.
Cost: $1200 per person (due 8/1/24
Includes hotel, meals, and excursions.
Questions? Click here to email Alan Howell.
Will you pray with us for Hindus during their observance of Diwali? We’ll send you a short prayer guide each day to give you some ideas or focus.
Join others from Nashville churches for this exciting discipleship workshop!
Join this gathering of those in the Houston area involved in missions to talk about how we evaluate our works.
Atlanta missions friends, let’s talk about getting the most out of your short-term missions.
Join this gathering of those in the Abilene area involved in missions to talk about how we evaluate our works.
Join this gathering of those in the Lubbock area involved in missions to talk about how we evaluate our works.
Will you pray with us for Buddhists around their celebration of Dharma Day? We’ll send you a short prayer guide each day to give you some ideas or focus.
Little Rock missions friends, join us to talk about how to effectively evaluate your mission works.
Are you going to be at Pepperdine’s Harbor this year? You can find us there!
Bentonville missions friends, let’s talk about getting the most out of your short-term missions.
Dallas missions friends, let’s talk about ways to improve healthy support of indigenous mission workers.
Fort Worth missions friends, let’s talk about ways to improve healthy support of indigenous mission workers.
It is both important and challenging to evaluate the fruit of a ministry, especially a cross-cultural one. Some churches make the mistake of evaluating too early, while others fail by not evaluating until it is too late. At this mission gathering and lunch, we’ll discuss “Effective Evaluation of Mission Efforts.”
You’re invited to join others like you who are interested or involved in missions from churches around Nashville. We will visit and share learning together…all over a free lunch! Thanks to our host, the Woodmont Hills Church, you don’t need to pay for lunch - we just need to know you’re coming! Use the RSVP button below.
Registration is now closed. If you’d like to come and didn’t register, email alan.howell@mrnet.org to discuss it.
*Note: Lunch will be in the Hospitality House (white house, uphill from street, 2nd parking lot/driveway)
You are doing vital work in God’s mission. This is one way we can help!
If you are a teacher or trainer in missions, this is for you! Join the 2024 TOM Workshop that is hosted this year by Mission Resource Network in Bedford, TX. If you would like to join, but cannot attend in person, you may also access the sessions via Zoom. The theme for this year will be "Effective Cross-Cultural Partnerships" and of course we'll have time for updates from different schools and organizations, book reviews, networking, fellowship, etc.
Contact Alan Howell to discuss a late registration.
Mission Resource Network (MRN)
1901 Central Dr. Ste. 120
Bedford, TX 76021
Entrance is on north side of the building, above the loading dock
Dates and Times:
Friday, March 22
Saturday, March 23
Detailed Schedule:
Friday, March 22
1:30-2pm - Arrival (in person participants)
2-3:15pm - Introductions, Participant Updates, and Prayer
3:15-3:30pm - Break
3:45-4:45pm - Strengthening Global Partnerships Presentation & Discussion, Part 1 (Setting the Table)
4:45-5:00pm - Break
5:00-6:00pm - Book Reviews & Resource Sharing Presentations, Part 1
6:00-7:00pm - Dinner (RSVP - in person participants)
Saturday, March 23
8:00-8:30am - Arrival (in person participants)
8:30-9:30am - Strengthening Global Partnerships Presentation & Discussion, Part 2 (Evaluating Impact & Effectiveness)
9:30-9:45am - Break
9:45-10:45am - Book Reviews & Resource Sharing Presentations, Part 2
10:45-11am - Wrap Up & Prayer
It is both important and challenging to evaluate the fruit of a ministry, especially a cross-cultural one. Some churches make the mistake of evaluating too early, while others fail by not evaluating until it is too late. At this mission gathering and lunch, we’ll discuss “Effective Evaluation of Mission Efforts.”
You’re invited to join others like you who are interested or involved in missions from churches around San Antonio. We will visit and share learning together…all over a free lunch! Thanks to our host, MacArthur Park Church of Christ, you don’t need to pay for lunch - we just need to know you’re coming! Use the RSVP button below.
You are doing vital work in God’s mission. This is one way we can help!
IMPRINT is an interactive, collaborative training experience designed to build your competence and confidence to learn how to make disciples. You’ll engage in a “hands-on” (online) learning journey where we will walk you through the scriptural call of disciple-making.
If you’re in San Antonio and involved in missions, you’re invited to a conversation about ways to improve partnerships with indigenous leaders.
Registration is closed - but email us to get on our waitlist!
Nashville area missions leaders are invited to a conversation about ways to improve healthy support of indigenous mission workers.
Coaching skills will increase your effectiveness in your various ministry and leadership roles. People who take this workshop see significant advancements in their ministry impact, while seeing their stress and busy-ness go down.
Join this event for Third Culture Kids through Third Culture Adults.
Missions leaders in Metro DC are invited to a conversation about rebooting Short-Term Missions.
Little Rock missions leaders are invited to a conversation about rebooting Short-Term Missions.