Will you be part of a prayer movement to beg God to draw Hindus to the light and truth and goodness of the Christ?
Hindus celebrate the feast of Diwali annually. Lasting five days during our months of October and November (it varies by year), it is the most popular festival in Hinduism. This Festival of Light is meant to symbolize the spiritual victory of light over darkness, good over evil, and knowledge over ignorance.
You know that there is no victory over darkness, evil, and ignorance apart from Jesus, the true Light of the World.
Will you join the Diwali Prayer Challenge and pray for Hindus with us? You’ll receive context and guidance for prayers in advance of this festival, and more specific prayers during each of the 5 days Diwali is celebrated. Accepting this challenge means you’ll get a short email in your inbox for each day of the challenge. The emails will give you a brief suggestion for your prayers for that day, some coming directly from people on the ground in the Bengal Initiative.