July Update: MedRim Prayer Movement

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Last month we sent out an update from our president Dan Bouchelle on the team in North Africa. If you missed it, you can read it here. His update will give a detailed account of what is going on and why your support is so important.

Because of the opposition the workers are facing, we have to up our care for our friends on the field. While one of the ways you can help is through giving, the other is through prayer.

Any disciple making movement is first preceded by prayer. Without it, we have no hope.

We have created a MedRim Prayer Guide that you can download and hang in a prominent place in your home to use for July, August, and September. Or simply keep reading to learn how you can pray.



“For nothing will be impossible with God.” Luke 1:37

For July, pray that God will do something that only He can do through the MedRim workers on the field. Ask God to eradicate the spiritual dome preventing the Gospel from penetrating the hearts of the Muslim people in North Africa.



Remain faithful and cling to the Lord with passionate hearts. Acts 11:23

For August, ask God to give the MedRim workers renewed faith in the midst of difficult days. Pray for increased endurance and doors of opportunity with locals.



You are the God who performs miracles; you display your power among the peoples. Psalm 77:14

For September, pray for divine displays of power throughout the MedRim among the Muslim people. Ask God to give the workers hope for what’s to come.