Praying for Workers Experiencing Loneliness

One year into our time in Burkina Faso, I was feeling pretty good about life. We were (kinda) settled. I (kinda) spoke two new languages. Our team (kinda) had a plan for starting our work among this tribe. 

Feeling all that, my wife and I headed to the capital city for our monthly grocery run. As we walked the aisles, we heard the distinct sound of American English. We, course, made a dash for the chips to catch up to them. Turned out, it was a group of college interns on a survey trip with other workers. They invited us to join them for dinner and then back to their hotel for a night of worship. I was already on the verge of tears, when one of them handed me that greatest of spiritual blessings: 

A cold Dr. Pepper. 

I burst into tears.  

Seriously. Ugly tears. 

Friends, I had no idea just how lonely I was. I was functioning, maybe even moving toward thriving. And all it took was an evening of English conversation and worship and a taste from home for me to realize how on the verge I was. 

Workers get lonely. It’s important for them to gather with like-minded servants from time to time. By the time you get this, a group of MRN employees together with a crew of volunteers will be putting on a retreat for workers serving Muslims throughout the Mediterranean Rim region. We’re asking you this month to pray: 

  • For the peace of the Christ to be on all who make their way to the MedRim retreat; 

  • For the Holy Spirit to comfort cross-cultural workers worldwide who are lonely and in deep need of the presence of the Comforter that Jesus promised. 

  • For organizations who dedicate themselves to the service of workers and making them seen (for MRN, of course, but also for sister orgs like Come Before Winter).  

Thank you for praying, friend.  



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