Posts tagged care
Sender Care: Who Cares?

It was March 27, 2013. Our good friends, John and Rhonda were on their 30th anniversary “bucket list” Caribbean cruise with another couple, Ron and Hope, also from Ohio. While playing on Nassau beach, facing away from the ocean, John was suddenly struck from behind. A large rolling wave snapped back his neck, leaving him paralyzed from the neck down, face down in the water. In seconds, he realized he was in trouble, but helpless. Unless someone noticed, unless someone cared, he would drown in moments.

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Self Care: Finding the Means for Ministry Endurance

I received the emergency phone call well after the sun had gone down. As a missionary in northern Thailand, I had already worked hard that day and felt quite tired. It was one of our new Christian sisters who cried out in a panicked voice, “My brother is possessed by demons who are telling him to kill himself! Please help us, we don’t know what to do!”

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Mutual Care

The feeling in the room was electric. After months of separation by lockdown, we were finally in the room together. Sure, we’d seen each other regularly on Zoom calls and the like, but to be together physically is something completely different. The joy we felt in the presence of each other went beyond words shared. The Apostle Paul must have known this feeling.

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