Posts tagged supporting church
Voices from the Field - Jay

Get the answer to this question from a series of people with long-term cross-cultural experience: What do I wish my church had known about me, my family, or my work during my time on the field? Jay Jarboe is sharing insights from his years serving in Mexico City.

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Voices from the Field - C and J

Get the answer to this question from a series of people with long-term cross-cultural experience: What do I wish my church had known about me, my family, or my work during my time on the field? C and J are sharing from their experience serving on another continent.

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Voices from the Field - Alan

Get the answer to this question from a series of people with long-term cross-cultural experience: What do I wish my church had known about me, my family, or my work during my time on the field? In this blog, you’ll get the perspective of Alan Howell, who served in Mozambique with his family for 15 years.

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Voices from the Field - Mark

Get the answer to this question from a series of people with long-term cross-cultural experience: What do I wish my church had known about me, my family, or my work during my time on the field? Mark Hooper, who spent 5 years in India with his young family, shares from his experiences.

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Voices from the Field - David

Get the answer to this question from a series of people with long-term cross-cultural experience: What do I wish my church had known about me, my family, or my work during my time on the field? This month, David is sharing from his 25 years of serving in Thailand.

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Voices from the Field - Andy

Get the answer to this question from a series of people with long-term cross-cultural experience: What do I wish my church had known about me, my family, or my work during my time on the field? First up is Andy Johnson, who lived and served in Burkina Faso.

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The Shape of Things

This month and next I would like to share with you my favorite story that helps explain why workers seem so, well, different.

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A (Very) Few Nuts and Bolts - Debriefing Part 3

As we continue the conversation about effective debriefings, let’s look at one helpful model.

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Asking the Questions - Debriefing Part 2

Last month, we started our talk about debriefing: what it is, when to use each type, and what to keep in mind if you are caring for workers. This month, we are going to talk about some considerations for planning a debrief.

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Sitting with our Stories - Debriefing Part 1

I’m a big believer that stories deserve to be told. That the act of telling a story can be in and of itself beneficial and powerful. That the storyteller benefits from having space to set their story between us on the table where we are drinking coffee together (or the Zoom screen where we meet), so we can both look at it and laugh, or cry, or talk about why it matters.

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