This quote may give you a fresh perspective on praying for God to mobilize workers: Prayer is the link in the chain that connects God’s sovereignty to our responsibility.
Read MoreFor a lot of the Christian world, Christmas Day is the culmination of the season of Advent (a word that means the arrival of something or someone important). Advent is a yearly remembering; however, it is a uniquely Christian remembering.
Read MoreGod’s design for his kingdom is for leaders to serve and influence the body of Christ to fulfill its true purpose. We’re praying that God will continue to raise up workers to lead His people.
Read MoreGod has led MRN to take the Good News to the hundreds of millions of Asians who have never heard of Jesus. We are focused on the unreached people groups among the Buddhist and Hindu peoples that live in the regions around the large body of ocean known as the Bay of Bengal.
Read MoreWe often remind ourselves that the beauty of the MedRim is that it is not about the MedRim. “MedRim” is simply a name we have given to capture our small sliver in a much, much bigger story.
Read MoreThis month we are taking one of Jesus’ most famous parables to shape our prayers. Many of us have heard this so often that we can miss the scandal of the story. Slowing down to pray our way through it helps us rediscover the power in Jesus’ words.
Read MoreThis month we are taking one of Jesus’ most famous parables to shape our prayers. Many of us have heard this so often that we can miss the scandal of the story. Slowing down to pray our way through it helps us rediscover the power in Jesus’ words.
Read MoreMy heart is heavy when I consider the evil perpetrated around the world in the name of national or racial identity. I don’t know where to turn other than Jesus! He has cleansed hearts and lands before; let’s ask Him together to do it again in our days!
Read MoreUndoubtedly, wealth is one of the resources with which the church in the west is blessed; how do we responsibly steward this gift in cross-cultural missions? I wish I could tell you we have all the answers – we don’t. I’m asking you to join in the wrestling by praying through the following parable with us this month.
Read MoreWe have been praying our way through the gospel of Luke in 2022, and I am grateful to you for starting the journey with us! However, as I asked the Lord what to pray this month over Ukraine, Psalm 31 kept coming to my heart. Friend, please join with me in praying this ancient song over the current situation in Ukraine.
Read MoreAs we pray this section of Luke 7, we are led right into the heart of Jesus. We are given glimpses into his understanding and compassion, especially for those who are drawn to his tenderness and mercy. How can we pray Jesus’ heart for everyone we encounter?!
Read MoreHere at MRN, our team’s prayer life has been shaped by praying the scriptures. We take a story or a brief section of a book from the Bible and let it shape how and what we pray. We allow what God has already talked to us about to shape how we talk to him! It’s a simple exercise, but it has deepened and enriched our prayer life.
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