Faithful in the Wintering
It’s cold today.
I know, because my youngest is playing in a weekend soccer tournament, and I am watching, bundled in most of the clothes I own. There is no doubt that today is a winter day. The sky is gray, the ground is cold and hard, and the trees are bare. The earth is wintering.
Winter’s gray sky, hard ground, and barren trees are all important parts of the other seasons. In fact, without this combination, you won’t get the fruit later.
This month, pray for cross cultural workers who are wintering.
When the sky feels gray and silent, when it feels like the Father isn’t listening and for sure isn’t responding, ask that God would remind them of His presence. Ask today that workers would feel their Father’s gaze and know that He listens and sees them. For quite some time now, He’s been the God Who Sees, after all.
When the ground feels hard, when it feels like the people they’ve gone to serve and love aren’t listening and for sure aren’t responding, ask that God would remind them that their work is to sow the seed. Ask today that God would open the hearts of a few of the many that cross-cultural workers love and that they would have eyes to see that the miniscule cracks that open in frozen ground in the winter play a big part in loosening the soil for Something Else come spring. For quite some time now, He’s been the God of Miracles, after all.
And when the trees are bare and have no leaves and look almost dead, when it seems like fruit among a resistant people group is only a dream, ask that God would remind them that He calls people to Himself in His time. Ask that God would call a few, who lead to whole families, who lead to more, who lead to movements of the gospel bursting into leaf in anticipation and announcement of a harvest greater than what was sown. For quite some time now, He’s the been the God Who Calls, after all.
Spring is coming, friends. Until then, be faithful about praying into all that God does in the wintering.
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